Foggy Frog Limerick

The following Limerick was inspired by Paint the World with Words Poetic Form of the Week ‘Be Inspired Challenge’

There lives a strange frog,
Who can blow up a fog,
Causing heaviness and confusion.

And when he arrives,
He will change all your lives,
And you’ll struggle to find a solution!

You can try exercising,
And it might be surprising,
This leads to a poor constitution.

People think that we’re lying,
Don’t believe that we’re trying,
We need an M.E.* revolution!

(c) Megan S, December 2013

*M.E. stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

20 thoughts on “Foggy Frog Limerick

  1. OMG! This is really an amazing limerick! I like how you made up a funny little story about this frog and in your words also raised an ME issue which seemed wise! I appreciate your participation in the challenge and you did awesome justice to it! Great!

    Keep participating to earn the “Be Inspired” Badge and declare your poetic flair to the world!

    Be Inspired:)

    1. I know 🙂 it’s definitely needed. I see Jen Brea’s Canary Film as part of that revolution and all the people on twitter, Facebook and blogs who are spreading the word are all part of it already as well. We just need to find a way to get louder and to get people to listen. 🙂

      1. Yes, it’s definitely about time. I think things are beginning to move in the right direction, finally. 🙂

  2. A fog I get most days, and the only thing we can do is realist it WILL go away Megan,

    Loved the way you worded that, people in the start for me, I have Fibro 10/10 bad, and in the start it bothered me people didn’t believe me. Then I got REAL ill and started falling and breaking bones…Took that for people to believe 😀

    Stick in there, we are all with you and on the same page Megan…

    Shaun x

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